Now before I get into the main story.. I would liek to say.. though what this dude has done.. is "the first".. I have clearly been doing any written assignment for school on my phone since the sidekick 2.. lol.. this is in class.. looking at my teacher, typing away on essay that was due at the beginning of class.. you just email that to the teacher and your BRUD.. Mr. Ferry can atest to catching me multiple times.. he checked the time of my emails.. HAHAH.. but looking bak at some of the pieces I wrote, I would like ot say I could have written a well thought out novel on my phone.. cake..
Well to the guy that actually did it. Brooklyn novelist Peter Brett wrote a complete novel on his "smartphone"..like nigga just say which phone you use.. newayss.. He would ride from the Fort Hamilton Parkway stop near his Kensington home to his job in Times Square... He did 800 words a day for 2 years.. you can do the math.. but it eventually came out with.. a 400-page novel, that centers on three characters' struggles in a world where killer demons roam the Earth at night, and is the first in a series of at least three books.
The book has sold 2,500 copies since Del Rey Books released it in the U.S. five weeks ago. It has hit best seller lists in Poland and England, where it was released late last year. After selling the book, Brett left his job - and the daily commutes - in October 2007 to pursue writing full time.
Apparently I need to publish that story i wrote in Mr. Russo's class.. about a dude who only smashed rich chicks.. LMAO.. but i really did write that for my seniro final paper.. BOSS.

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