these new sites that are jus simple stories are funny as shit.. like fmylife, thisiswhyyourefat, and now my new obsession: textsfromlastnight.. lol! i think u can get a good idea about wut people post on this site.. lmao.. all those times u took that one extra drink.. so u culd say whats really on ur mind.. so you culd jus send that "wasup wit the smash?!" text.. or for some of us.. its the time u can finally get ur true simping on.. from my expert analysis of texting while under the influence.. its usually the Sav's who simp text, and the Simp's who get Savagely on texts, once properly zooted or booted... so the next time u think botu sending that 3 am test.. remember there is now a palce for u to be exposed! LMAO.. fuckk wit it!
(405): I'm drunk
(615): Is that why you're texting me
(405): Yes
(860): I'm not a mortal combat character
(410): but my vagina is
LA zip codes need to start reppin on there!
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