In this coming century one of the biggest topics is Global warmign and the saving of energy.. et.c.. And though we are all aware of the situation.. its like we know that shit is heading downhill, and we know we gotta fix it.. but there just havent been very many tangible ways that people have put out there for the common man to save energy.. Well now theres no excuse to be ignorant about what alternate resources are available.. The NDCR just released today, the most comon and available forms of renewable energy throughotu the united states.. you can check by state, county, and city.. This is the futue right here.. Its time to look beyond the primitive forms of energy like coal and fossil fuels and start thinking liek thei ntelligent beings we claim to be and start gettin our shit togetther.. soo fuck wit it! check out the site.. here what people who do this for a living have to say..
Today, NRDC is launching a new feature on our website (http://www.nrdc.org/renewables/) and I’d like to know what folks think of it. This new tool is designed to help regular people from farmers to politicians, financiers to reporters understand that renewables are here now and poised to become major players in our energy mix. This site will help you determine whether renewable energy systems such as wind turbines, anaerobic digesters, solar installations and biomass energy facilities make sense for you or your community, and to help you understand how legislation being debated right now could help you adopt one.
The site was designed to show the enormous potential for new energy systems that reduce global warming emissions, protect critical environmental values and move the United States toward energy security. Please check it out. Poke around. Try the maps. And let me know if you think it’s cool or helpful or maybe even inspiring. And then check back in regularly. We’re going to be adding details on more states, more technologies, and more of the critical policies need to stop global warming and build our supply of clean, home-grown renewable energy.

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